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The Right to Secede… It IS Legal!

This post won’t be long because the right to secede is guaranteed to us by two groups… (A) the Founding Fathers, and (B) God. The right to be free from tyranny and to posses self determination is a God given right that government does not have the authority to infringe upon, lest they incite open revolt.

Secondly the founding fathers of the United States enshrined the right to secede in the Declaration of Independence when the 13 British Colonies seceded from the British Empire. After going back through hundreds of law books from the 1700’s it is very clear that the British Empire had also outlawed secession, and considered any colony or city under the authority of the British crown to attempt such a thing to be criminals.

So to all of you “reporters” out there saying that we can’t secede because its not legal, then you obviously have not done one lick of homework on the subject at all. We can secede just like the founders seceded from Britain, and just like when the founders seceded from Britain it was outlawed as well. Did this stop the founding fathers? Heck no and frankly I’m glad that you wet blanket pro-Imperialist hacks were not around back in 1776… if today’s media was around back in 1776 then we would still likely be a colony of Britain. The laws of a tyrannical government don’t matter too much to a group of States when they are ready to leave the tyranny of the government. Since secession is a right given to us by God and the founders, the current Federal regime can’t stop us, and frankly Lincoln broke every rule in the book when he murdered nearly 2/3 of the population to stop the Confederacy from doing it back in the 1800’s. Read the rest of this entry