Category Archives: Islam

The CIA Created ISIS… & Continues to Fund them… Wake Up! This is a Phony War that is being financed with YOUR Tax Dollars by the Federal Empire


The Islamic State of Michigan

Southfiled, MI, Federal Empire – This goes out to all of the Yankees who live down here in the Republic of Florida, and throughout Dixie, who just love to show off their Detroit Redwings, Detroit Lions, Detroit Tigers, MSU Spartans, and MU Wolverines logos and crap on their cars, on their government owned property, and on their persons.

Thanks to your stupidity and greed your Yankee State is now overrun with radical Islamic extremists. So if you really love these Yankee sports teams, and take such pride in your home town or state then why don’t you do all of us a favor and go the hell home and get out of Dixie. Its so bad back in Michigan that in the city of Dearborn, local Mooslims blast daily prayer calls over the loud speakers in the downtown area, local Mooslims have established no-go zones where non-Mooslims are beaten, stoned, and even stabbed.

Well apparently the Mooslims are spreading their base of operations and have reportedly moved in around the third-world city-state that is Detroit.

A Detroit man stabbed two people at a suburban bus stop after asking his victims whether or not they were Muslim, according to police. Federal authorities are now looking at the case as a potential hate crime, police said on Tuesday. Read the rest of this entry

ISIS Commander Boasts About ISIS Receiving Federal Funding

isis-militantsBrooksville, Republic of Florida – Well it has happened, an ISIS commander has been captured by Jordanian forces and during his interrogation, this ISIS commander has admitted to being paid, equipped, and trained by the Yankee Federal Government. We told you this about a year ago and many of you called us crazy. Well here is the proof in black and white.

That stripped flag you wave pays, trains, and funds ISIS so it can behead, murder, rape, and torture hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Iraq and Syria… the majority of those murdered by ISIS are Christian women and children. Like we have stated hundreds of times before, you can’t fix the mess in “America” (i.e. the Federal Empire) by way of the ballot. Look at Hernando County for example. We have had a Republican super majority in power right here in Hernando County for the past 10 years and nothing has improved, and everything keeps getting worse.

Heck look up in Tallahassee, again Republicans have had a super majority in Florida for the past 15 years and the last time I checked, Florida still requires a concealed weapons permit, Floridians still can’t open carry, the work week in Florida is still 5 days long, Florida is moving forward with Agenda 21, and Common Core, and Florida has done nothing to defy the Federal Empire. In fact every time the Federals tell Florida to do something, Florida has been one of the first states to bow down and submit. Read the rest of this entry

To Make Fun of Islam and Moohamed, or Not?

Brooksville, FL, Occupied Dixie – I’m leaving this one up to my readers. Comment below and let me know which way I should roll on this issue. Figured I’d do some audience participation for once. I have a ton of Moohamed cartoons… a ton!

Also I’m glad that the liberal fascists in Hollywood are beginning to see how much of a threat Islam is to a “free” society. Islam is like Hitlerism or Nazism, its violent, blood thirsty, and will not relent until everyone that doesn’t like Islam or supports it is dead. Just like with Nazi Germany, there were “good” Nazi’s, but overall the ideology is demented and thus had to be wiped out to secure world peace. The threat of Islam is no different than Nazism. Also very much like Nazism, Islam is not a religion, its a cult that parades around as a religion. Islam is built around the ancient practice of pagan moon god worshiping and it has no ties to Judaism or Christianity which are the only valid world religions. Outside of these two religions all other religions are just cults to one degree or another.

The below video is of Bill Mauer who now agrees with us, in that ALL Muslims are a threat… not just the ones that pull the trigger.

Of course Bill Mauer is still a Liberal Fascist on the level of a SS Officer, but at least he is now seeing it our way a bit. It does help… the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The FACTS about Islam


Oklahoma Woman Beheaded at Work by a Yankee Muslim

penalty-for-leaving-islam-is-death-somali-teenager-tortured-and-killed-by-parents-for-leaving-islamThe below story should shock and outrage you. An innocent Oklahoma woman was beheaded and another woman was seriously injured (almost beheaded) by a knife welding Muslim and reported card carrying member of CAIR (Center for American Islamic Relations).

So be warned!!! If you work with one of these animals keep an eye on them because the Koran and Hadith teaches Muslims to lie and deceive infidels into complacency, and once complacent kill them or use them for a greater good. Which in our books means killing more infidels.

We are not making this shit up. Here it is straight from the Pagan Islamic book itself…

From the Koran:

Qur’an (16:106) – Establishes that there are circumstances that can “compel” a Muslim to tell a lie.

Qur’an (3:28) – This verse tells Muslims not to take those outside the faith as friends, unless it is to “guard themselves.”

Qur’an (9:3)“…Allah and His Messenger are free from liability to the idolaters…”  The dissolution of oaths with the pagans who remained at Mecca following its capture.  They did nothing wrong, but were evicted anyway. Read the rest of this entry

UF to Open “Islam Pagan Moon God Studies Center”

In the event you haven’t heard, the University of Florida has been co-opted by a bunch of liberal ninnies. If I was a Florida Gator Alum I would be very embarrassed by this, not even my alma mater, the University of Central Florida has stooped this low. I can only imagine that a Saudi Prince or someone came over and dumped a billion dollars on them to open this crap hole “Islamic Studies Center”. Lord knows that is the only way it would ever get built. They likely came over and did this out of anger over the local Gainesville Pastor who was trying to burn Korans.

If I was a Gator Alum I would contact the UF Advancement office or the UF Alumni office and cut any and all donations to UF as long as this propaganda center exists. 

I hate to break it to you Gators but this is nothing more then a victory mosque on the campus on UF. Instead of conquering UF with swords and beheading, like they prefer, they conquered it with money. Its the same difference… and who knows they might toss in a free beheading along the way. 

This Victory Mosque at UF has no purpose because there are two Islams… the fake one they want you to believe exists, and the real Islam that is nothing more then a violent Pagan Moon God death cult.

Its time to educate some of you Ga-tas out there… apparently y’all are a bunch of spineless dolts that think Islam is a real religion (its not, and has been proven to be a pagan moon god worshiping cult). A real Florida Cracker would cut their support and funding as long as this victory mosque existed.

Read the rest of this entry

Open Letter to Sotloff Family…

I’m deeply saddened by the loss of your son at the hands of these pagan moon god worshiping dingbats, i.e. the Islamic Community. You can read my previous posts about how much I loath ISIS and the majority of Muslims.

This letter is not about condolences though, its about setting the record straight. First ISIS was created by the Federal Government under the direction of the White House, Congress, and the Pentagon. Without Federal support and funding ISIS, or the “Syrian Rebels” (which are one in the same) would not exist today, and they damn sure wouldn’t have been around to capture and barbarically murder your son.

So Obama and the rest of the American government are jut as guilty as ISIS. If I gave a homicidal maniac a state of the art gun, explosives, tanks, and trained them, and this same homicidal maniac went out and murdered a ton of people, then I would be guilty of conspiracy and aiding them. Yet somehow the Federal Government has somehow gotten a pass?

I hate the Federal Government and what many of you call “America” for this and every other crime it has committed in my name dating back to the invasion of my nation, and decimation of my people between 1861-1865. Your rage and anger should be directed at ISIS and at Washington DC. The two are thick as thieves.

My conscious is clean because I’m a Confederate Dixon (i.e. a person from Dixie), I don’t consider myself an American and if I could denounce the yoke of Federal citizenship that was forced upon me and my ancestors today I would, but I can’t. If I denounce today I would be rounded up and placed in a detention facility until I could gain citizenship with another nation as a refuge. So instead of going through this I have chosen to live in bondage to free my people, the people of Dixie, from Imperial Federal oppression.

Lastly, ISIS is Islam and Islam is ISIS… every-time you make a statement that claims that Islam is a religion of peace, it makes you sound like an idiot. Have you ever read the Koran? I doubt it. Because if you had you would easily determine that Islam is a cult and a violent death cult at that. 

So don’t waste your time debating ISIS on the Koran. ISIS is one of the few Islamic groups that actually follows the Koran the way Mohammed intended it to be followed. Seriously if you don’t believe me then read it for yourself, I did and I was horrified. Stop taking the word of UCF humanities professors and White House lackeys that Islam is some peaceful religion. Its not, and there are over 10 verses in the Koran that order Muslims to behead and wage war against non-believers.

Seriously before you challenge a mad man to a debate you need to have the facts in front of you, and liberal “make believe” theories about Islam do not count as facts. The fact is ISIS is a good representation of the Islamic Faith, which is why it is sooooo dangerous and why 100% of all real terrorists are Islamic.

Wake Up Sheep – Syrian and Libran Rebels are Federally Funded Terrorists


How Can You STILL Fly Your Federal Flag!!!

Seriously I’m beyond raged right now… how can some of you freaking idiots out there still fly your flipping Federal Flags when YOUR Federal Government is funding ISIS with OUR Tax Money, when YOUR Federal Government used the Federal Military to TRAIN ISIS, and when ISIS which is American Tax Payer Funded, and Trained by the American Military, is out beheading children and burring them alive??


Take a look at these images of these knuckle dragging, mouth breathing Muslims are doing to innocent children in Iraq right now. They are cutting off their heads left and right with machetes paid for with YOUR Tax Money and provided to these barbarians with YOUR Tax Money.

Note I have said YOUR, I too “pay” taxes like y’all but unlike y’all I consider it theft. If a crackhead steals my money and uses it to buy a gun to kill someone I’m not responsible for that no more then when a Federal IRS agent steals my money and uses it to purchase a machete for some queer pagan moon-god worshiping crackpot Muslim over in Iraq… and I’m damn sure not gonna fly the flag of that crackhead on my front porch no more then I’m gonna fly the flag of an Empire that funds barbaric groups like ISIS (aka the Syrian Rebels).

The blood of these innocent children is on the hands of you damn dirty “Mericans” out there.

Wake up your not free… and you are loyal to a tyrannical government that sows the seeds of chaos the world over.

ISIS would not exist without Federal intervention and these children wouldn’t be dead without Federal intervention. Connect the dots you flipping morons.

I must apologize to those of you who get it, and to those that don’t well you can go to hell. As a Confederate Floridian my conscious is clean and my hands are not covered in blood like yours.

Here is the post that has me F’ING PISSED BEYOND WORDS….

5-year-old Christian boy cut in half by ISIS

I will dedicate one post on The Rebel Yell a week to posting something that is ultra offensive to Muslims and I hope that those goat raping monkey loving queer ISIS fags read it online. It seams that the only way to punish these faggots is to post something that in some manner defaces Islam, the Koran, or Mohammed. Well I’m gonna tear all three of these unholy pagan things a new corn shoot.

I’ll start the week off right with pictures of the Koran, the same book that compels these pagan moon-god worshiping dingbats to behead children being burned in Saudi Arabia.
